True-Mox 915 900 MHz RP-SMA Antenna - TrueRC

The True-Mox is a self-balancing moxon antenna. By forcing current to be equal on both elements of the moxon, its radiation pattern is more predictable and more uniform.  Bandwidth is also increased. Great for TBS crossfire.

- Frequencies:
- Gain: 6dBi
- Beam width*: 180deg
- Beam width @-3dB**: 145deg
- Connector: -RP-SMA
- Dimensions: 4.65″x8″ (15 X 30 X 2cm)
- Weight: 0.1Kg

*Coverage where reception is at least equivalent to an omni.
**Coverage where at least 70% of the max range is obtained.

ETA: September 15, 2017.
  • Product SKU: 4804-76
  • Availability : 0 Units in Stock
  • Brand: TrueRC - Canada
  • Status : Back Ordered (Ships as soon as available)


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True-Mox 915 900 MHz RP-SMA Antenna - TrueRC

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